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Pomorie: Underground parking in Pomorie, Bulgaria

numeru objektu: PF3594
Szybki kontakt
Dane podstawowe
8200 Pomorie
Peryferie miasta
37.900 €
Rodzaj objektu:
garaz podziemny
Dalsze dane
Dalsze dane
Powierzchnia ok.:
40 m2
Obowiazek uiszczenia prowizji:
wyczerpujacy opis
wyczerpujacy opis
Opis objektu:
We offer you an underground parking space for 2 cars in the center of Pomorie, Bulgaria. Electricity is available.
For sale is an underground garage for two cars in the center of Pomorie, next to a school. The garage is located on the minus 1 floor with a total area of 40 m². It is equipped with automatic rolling doors. There is a chip for the garage door and a chip for the barrier to the subway. Electricity is available.
Pomorie is a charming town on the Bulgarian Black Sea coast, located about 20 kilometers northeast of Burgas. The location of Pomorie is particularly attractive, as the town sits on a narrow peninsula between the Black Sea to the east and Lake Pomorie to the west. This unique geographical setting makes Pomorie a popular destination for tourists who want to enjoy both the sea and inland waters.

The town of Pomorie has a rich history dating back to ancient times and was once known for its salt production. Today, it is famous for its healing mud treatments and wellness offerings. The town also boasts a well-preserved old town with narrow streets, traditional buildings, and historic sites.

Pomorie is also known for its wine production, and the surrounding area is filled with vineyards. The local cuisine is renowned for its seafood, fish dishes, and wines, with many restaurants and taverns where visitors can enjoy Bulgarian cuisine.

The beach of Pomorie is another highlight, stretching along the coast with fine sand and clear water. The beach is ideal for sunbathing, swimming, and various water sports.

Nearby, there are cultural and historical attractions, including the Pomorie Museum, which documents the history of the town and its surroundings, as well as the ancient ruins of Anchialos, an ancient Greek colony.

Overall, Pomorie offers a wonderful blend of history, culture, nature, and relaxation, making it an attractive destination for visitors looking to experience the beauty of the Bulgarian Black Sea coast.
Do you have any questions about this property or would you like to schedule a viewing? Please feel free to contact us using the provided contact details.

No brokerage or commission fee on the purchase price is payable by the buyer upon signing a purchase agreement.

The information provided by us is based on information provided by the seller or the seller. For the correctness and completeness of the information, no responsibility or liability can be accepted. An intermediate sale and mistakes are reserved.
Ogólne warunki transakcji:
We refer to our terms and conditions. Through further use our services do you explain your knowledge and consent.
ON REQUEST we recommend financing experts from renowned houses such Bausparkasse Mainz, Deutsche Vermögensberatung and others.
Osoba odpowiedzialna za kontakt

Nils Ott Group Ltd. - pani Anja  Dehn
Nils Ott Group Ltd.
pani Anja Dehn

telefon: +49 151 61042147
telefon komórkowy: +359 877 151485

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